
...i am a princess on the way to my throne...


Tea Time 

I was so encouraged by the responses I received on Monarch Faery that I spent the better part of today painting. I'm really out of practice (I used to paint with oils *all the time* but it's been several years since I've really focused on the medium) and I know it's going to take a lot of hard work to get back in the groove, but so far so good.

Here is today's accomplishment, titled appropriately, "Tea Time":

Chocolate chip cookies, anyone? LOL!

Here is a closer look at the sparklies, which are not as obvious nor as white as they appear:

The sparkles are two shades of pink, and while they shimmer in the original they are just a bit more sublte than the digipic. But only just a little.:)

My goal is to create ten paintings and then set up a new art site, but for now I'll be happy just to get more proficient in watercoloring.

Mah mood:sleepy but happy
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