
...i am a princess on the way to my throne...


She's Alive!! 

I'm still here, going strong...just really really busy.

I've been working on some designs for Jo, as well as enjoying my family over the holidays. I've been stitching a little as well, and having a good time. In truth, I've been enjoying life. I've had a couple of clunkers happen (one being a little bout of sickness I had to deal with), but some of the things actually turned out to be for my benefit. I've also been working on a few New Year's resolutions that I made in the middle of December, and while not perfect I'm making marked improvements in those areas.

So...I'm going to get through the next week to finish up some loose ends, and then I'll be back to blogging and posting on Les Boards as normal. I'm even hoping to get some new art pieces flushed out on paper; I've come across some wonderful ideas that would work great for my Women of the Bible series. Nope, I haven't given up on that dream!).

Have a wonderful day!
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