
...i am a princess on the way to my throne...


I Knit Therefore I Am... 

I am a novice knitter, but I think it's safe to say I have been seriously bitten by that affectious creature known as the Knitting Bug. It's bite is far more powerful than chiggers, but it's far more wonderful, too. And unless you are allergic to wool, there's no scratching involved.

I am still in the "knit one purl one" stage, where attempting anything more than a scarf scares the beejeebies out of me, and yet I managed to leave Michaels yesterday with the following in tow:

One skein of Lion Brand Wool yarn for felting in Ebony (I'm combining the Ebony and Pumpkin to make a striped scarf. I'm knitting in the round..eep!)
One set of Susan Bates aluminum DPNs size 3 (blech! I *so* wanted bamboo)
One skein of Lion Brand Baby Soft sportweight in Melon (my "let's practice socks" yarn)
"Knitting Rules" by the Yarn Harlot
"At Knit's End" by the Yarn Harlot (and I would have bought 'The Yarn Harlot" as well if they had had it.)

It may not sound like much, but it's more than what I had originally run in for. And I'm even planning a second run; I didn't get my chenille and fun fur for the Santa Scarf. I was going to work it in a different colorway, but I've decided I'm big enough of a geek to go with scarlet seasonal ho-ho scarf after all. Besides, scarlet is smashing, darling!

Anyway, last night I was reading Chapter 1 of "Knitting Rules" (this woman is a writer after my own heart) and according to La Harlot there are five kinds of knitters: the Missionary, the Sensei, the Scientist, the Organic, and the Pretender. She even provides a quiz so you can easily buttonhole stitch yourself into whichever area you belong. I found out I am very much the Organic knitter: I'm all about process. I'm about gauging and swatching and knitting and needles and yarny goodness. I am the Multi-Crafter, the one who sails between knitting and crocheting and cross-stitching (and, being an artist, may I including 'arting' in that list?) with careless abandon. Is the scarf going to be finished in time? Are these socks going to fit? Who cares! I'm knitting, by gum, and that's all that matters!

Yes, dear ones, that is me to a tea (or to a coffee), if you please. I'm also a bit of a Missionary already (no surprise there), where I want to corrupt convert everyone else to the charms of knitting. My ultimate desire is to be a Sensei, that Master of the Knitting Race that knows all and can knit all. I will never be a Pretender, because I do more than sit around talking about knitting; I actually do knit. And I just can't comprehend the Scientist, who approaches the craft with the analytical mind of a mathmatician. No indeed, I am the Organic, which, just like cotton, I breathe the knittiness of life.

And considering my bathroom is chock-full of organic body goodies and I tend to wear a lot of incens-y perfume oils and go barefoot to satisfy my latent hippie, being the Organic knitter suits me just fine. Just throw some wool my way and I'll knit it. I don't know what it will turn out to look like, but I'll knit it.

Peace, baby. See the pretty lights, feel the vibes.
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